Plant Laboratories and Production Recipes

In our R&D center, we have developed advanced plant breeding recipes required for the production of more than 90 types of greens. These recipes include nutrient formulas that ensure optimum development of the plant, microclimate values such as light intensity, type, duration, height, optimal temperature, humidity, CO2 and ventilation.

In the light of the knowledge and experience we have gained, we design plant growing units with integrated automatic driving systems, automatic loading and harvest control systems, remote control and monitoring systems, and LED fixtures that can consume less electricity while meeting the photosynthesis needs of the plant.

We apply our concept hydroponic-based fully closed and controlled environment agriculture projects with different types and production capacities, supported by HEPA, UV and ozone filters, to facilities that will be built specifically for an existing facility or from scratch. We constantly improve our designs and projects with the opportunities offered by current technology.


Product Development


System Optimization